Andy Volpe Printmaker Living Historian

Andy Volpe Printmaker Living Historian – ValleyCAST Artisans at the Mill Interview

Andy Volpe is an amazing font of knowledge about printmaking, etching, engraving, US Revolutionary War history, and much, much more. Come join us for an interview in his studio where he shows off printmaking tools and techniques, classic etching styles, and historic prints. We discuss calligraphy, copper etchings, Paul Revere, Gutenberg, and the Boston Massacre.

Andy holds a degree in Fine Arts from Westfield State University, where he gained a deep appreciation for Art History and the Old Masters. He continues to research and work in traditional drawing and printmaking techniques. Andy is a Living Historian / Re-enactor, member of several groups ranging from the Ancient Romans, Medieval-Renaissance, Colonial America and American Civil War. He presents to libraries, schools, colleges and museums throughout New England as a Roman Legionary soldier and Medieval-Renaissance Artist.

Visit Andy’s website at:

The Interview:

ValleyCAST Artisans at the Mill:

Al Weems Photographer

Al Weems Photographer – ValleyCAST Artisans at the Mill Interview

Al Weems is a visual artist born in Fall River, Massachusetts. He received a BA in Psychology from U Mass – Dartmouth. For several decades, Weems was a corporate and commercial photographer with a focus on environmental portraiture. He now concentrates on fine art portraiture with a practice that seeks to elevate the ordinary.

Weem’s work has been included in numerous exhibitions including shows at the Providence Art Club, the Newport Art Museum, and the Art League, Rhode Island. He will have a solo exhibition at The Providence Art Club in January of 2020. His work has been published in the Providence Journal, the Worcester Telegram amongst others and his images have been featured in The New England Catch and Providence & Rhode Island Chef’s Table cookbooks. He lives and works in Sutton, Massachusetts.

Visit Al Weem’s website:

The Interview:

ValleyCAST Artisans at the Mill: